Monday, 31 October 2022

Is Elon Musk right about Returning to Office?

Elon Musk or any other well known businessman's views notwithstanding, we definitely need to understand remote working at a deeper level before forming an opinion.  This opinion will be coloured by the personal and professional roles that you are currently playing.

Here's a superb article that talks about the challenges of #hybridworking or #remoteworking - a hot topic among recruiters and candidates, many of whom are specifying that they're only interested in WFH jobs.

From the article: "When puzzle pieces are scattered it can be challenging for employees to see how the individual pieces fit together – how each individual contributes to the whole of the organization’s purpose. It becomes harder to see oneself as part of a broader ecosystem"

Read the entire article here.

Sunday, 30 October 2022

Feedback - Understanding Microaggression at the Workplace

Happy to share the feedback from a recent online session on Microaggression for 60+ employees of a tech company that I designed and delivered as part of the Facweek (Facilitation Week 2022) celebrations.

The expected outcomes were to enable participants to understand what microaggression is, it's impact on the organization and employees and how to go about creating a safe place to work. I'm happy to say that the feedback was quite positive and participants have taken rich learning and action points from the session.

Here's how they plan to deal with Microaggression and create a safe place to work.

Thanks to IAF (International Association of Facilitators) for giving me the opportunity to do this session.

Here are the things they will put into action immediately.


Saturday, 22 October 2022

Leadership Authenticity Starts With Knowing Yourself

Here's a must read article if you want to develop yourself as an "Authentic Leader".

From the article - "Authentic leaders are always investing in strengths -- their own strengths as well as those of their followers." 

When you think about it, you realize that trying to fix weaknesses wastes time, causes unhappiness, dissatisfaction and disengagement, and building on strengths can accelerate growth while having a positive energy experience.

Read the rest of the article here

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

The importance of Coaching people within the organization

If as a leader / learning / HR professional, you are thinking about making #coaching and #mentoring available for more people instead of only leaders, this article will help you work out the benefits of this approach.

From the article - "With employee demand increasing for more customized learning and development experiences, coaching can help boost learning, especially in digital or hybrid environments."

Read the article here.

#learninganddevelopment #developingpeople #developingleaders #coachingculture #strengthsdecoder

Monday, 10 October 2022

How to Fix Someone

 Trainers, consultants, facilitators and coaches are often called in by organizations to make things right. This generally involves'fixing' some process or someone.

Sometimes, they forget that people can't really be fixed, or that a lot of other things, including themselves, will also have to #change.

Interestingly, changing oneself first is the only and best option towards changing others.
