Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Three Ways Ethical Leadership can promote Culture Change

A practical article on #ethicalleadership .

From the article: "Leading ethically has nothing to do with sentimentalism or weakness and all to do with seeing ourselves and others as they really are, it has all to do with how we choose to show up to ourselves and others."

Read the full article here.

Friday, 17 February 2023

Participant Feedback - Design Your Life for Take Charge Mentees

I had a wonderful time designing and running this session for the mentees of Take Charge 5 i.e. Fifth Batch.  The participants comprised of those on the cusp of graduation, as well as those who were already employed in some capacity.

They went through various exercises focused on enabling them to think about how they want to build their future, understand the values that drive them, consider the personal brand that they want to build for themselves, take steps to understand their strengths and to navigate the helpfully harmful advice that will come their way.

Here are some pictures of what happened.

And here's some of the things that stayed with them by the end of the day.

Thanks to the people at Take Charge (Cheryl / Andre / Jessica) for giving me the opportunity to contribute my knowledge and experience.  

Sunday, 12 February 2023

How to get a quality answer

Getting answers that are useful means you have to frame the question appropriate to the topic you want to know more about.  Asking quality questions is a topic that doesn't get adequately covered in the education system, while there is an excessive focus on the 'right' answer.. 

Here's an intriguing topic - "Clean Language Interviewing". From the article - "As leaders have significant authority, this is compounded by the “acquiescence effect”, whereby people respond with what they believe the questioner wants to hear."

Read the article here

Monday, 6 February 2023

4 Ways to Create a Learning Culture

Super read on how to create #learningculture in your #team

I'm not sure about point 1 which is about rewarding learning, since research shows that rewards don't do a great job of drive either #learning or #retention of content, never mind applying the learning.

Point 3 which is about #leadingbyexample is spot on, cannot be emphasised enough.

Read the article here.
