Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Practical Guide to Develop Ethical Leadership

Ethics and leadership are regularly discussed together, especially over the past decade or so.  Corporate scams that have led to C-suite leaders facing jail time are in the news often.  

One often wonders what if any ethics were considered and why ethics were not followed by those leaders.

Here's a superb and practical article on how to develop #ethicalleadership.

I love the questions for self-inquiry provided in it. 

From the article: "It’s important to remember that whatever we think, say or do has consequences on ourselves and others – however small our actions are."

Read the article here.

Friday, 22 March 2024

Hiring for Emotional Intelligence

From the article on #hiring for #emotionalintelligence - "The problem is that we struggle to assess EI when hiring (even when we spend a fortune on personality tests and search firms) and we’re never taught how".

Read the article here

To know how to hire for this and other competencies / behaviours, please connect with me to know about my customized #bei workshop #SelectionDiscussion that covers EI and more.

You can read about it here- https://ryanbarretto.blogspot.com/p/recruiting-right-fit.html
