Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Are you searching the Right Talent Pool?

An absorbing, data-filled article about the current #hiring scenario, given the #greatresignation . There's data about India too. From the article - "the voluntary #quit rate is 25 percent higher than prepandemic levels." "There is less of a stigma attached to job hopping or gaps in a résumé, and joining companies in other geographies without relocating has become easier than ever, making it possible for people to jump from one employer to another. "

Read the article here.

#talentmanagement #employeeengagement #employeevalueproposition #employeeexperience #strengthsdecoder #attrition #flexibility

Thursday, 17 November 2022

How to Banish a Toxic Blame Culture

Super article on negating a #blame #culture and #toxicculture 

From the article: "If the idea doesn’t work out, or a mistake’s made, they know that while they must learn from it, they’ll be supported. Across an organisation, this enables the kind of measured risk-taking that drives creativity and innovation."

My view - A culture of #responsibility starts with hiring the appropriate #mindset, as well as based on leveraging #strengths  of the employees at all levels. 

Read the entire article here.

#culturematters #culturebuilding #strengthsdecoder 

Saturday, 5 November 2022

Change the Way You Listen: Why Leaders Should Stop Hearing and Start Listening

A really practical article that can help you improve your #listeningskills , even if you aren't designated as a #leader 

From this interesting article - "Most speakers average 150-175 words per minute while most listeners can consume 400-500 words per minute. Distracted leaders allow their excess brain capacity to dialogue internally about the conversation and miss meaning by relying only on the words spoken (which account for only seven percent of #communication)."

Click here to read the entire article.

#leadershipskills #managerialskills #interpersonalcommunication #interpersonalskills #relationshipmanagement #strengthsdecoder 
