Sunday, 30 January 2022

Poll: In my experience and opinion, a Leader must....

Please click the link and answer the short poll.

Saturday, 29 January 2022

Article - Creating Accountability in a remote world.

A very relevant article on #accountability in the #remote world.

From the article:

To effectively establish team accountability, leaders and organizations should focus less on surveillance and compliance tactics, and more on building trust and engagement with team members.

Read the rest here 

Monday, 24 January 2022

Article: Can we ban Normal, Please

An article that has been needed always, but now in current times, more than ever.

From the article -"When we want someone to accept something new we know they are going resist, we tell them it’s normal. 2020 is a great example of this."

We must have the courage to stay true to our strengths, and use them to benefit ourselves and others.

Read the article here or click this link

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

Upcoming Webinar : Sell Yourself Into Your Next Job - Jan 22

Are you having trouble 
1) getting interview calls
2) Clearing the interviews

You must attend this webinar.

 Register here :

Sunday, 16 January 2022

Poll: I will be an even better leader by enhancing my formidable

Please click the link and answer the short poll.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Treat People fairly, not equally.

 I think it's very difficult to treat people equally because of their uniqueness. Ask employees how they feel about being rated in the standardized forced ranking #bellcurve.

What do you think?

Thursday, 6 January 2022

How to be a better Leader

Here is how the traditional choose one #leadershipstyle stacks up against the Four Domains of Leadership from Gallup's #cliftonstrengths assessment.

Makes a whole of sense to me, especially since I am able to blend it with the #situationalleadership model that I'm certified in.

Read the article here

Glad to answer any questions you have around this.

Sunday, 2 January 2022

The books I read in 2021


Thrilled to announce that I have completed 54 Books in 2021 -  a mix of fiction and non-fiction.

Here are the details :

You will  find a short review for each book mentioned there. Any more questions or suggestions, please do ask.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

A Thankful 2021

 Here are some of the things (in no particular order) that I am thankful and grateful for in 2021:

  • A chance to go on a short vacation with my family.
  • An overall healthy life through the year for me, my family and friends.
  • The opportunity to go on a residential Facilitation Skills Training Program.
  • The many career coaching and resume /interview coaching clients who signed up with me.
  • The chance to sing in my choir for Christmas (I probably missed this the most since Apr 2020).
  • My IAF colleague Varsha Chitnis for the opportunity to work on a long term senior leadership  intervention, that helped me use another assessment tool from the PRISM Brainmapping Inventory toolkit.
  • The time to read 54 books this calendar year - a mix of fiction and non-fiction.
  • My IAF fraternity, who gave me the chance to give of my time to Facilitation week by designing and delivering facilitated sessions on topics like Resilient Leadership and Difficult Conversations..
  • The opportunity to be a part of the marketing team at the online IAF Facilitation Summit.
  • The time to write 4 articles this year on topics like Resilience, Emotions, Job Descriptions and Goals. 
  • My social media followers who have read and shared my articles, posts and other responses on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
  • My friends who helped me record and release a few videos for my business.
  • My mentor Sekhar Chandrasekhar, who generously gave me some of his favourite books.

Photo by Marcus Wöckel from Pexels 883466

  • To all the errors I made, and the things that didn't go my way - thank you for the opportunity to reflect, learn and do better.  I hope I meet some new friends of yours in 2022, and I hope they will as kind (if not kinder) as you.
