Thursday, 29 August 2024

On board the HRM Committee of Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry

I am extremely thrilled and honoured to be a member of the HRM Committee hosted by Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 

I'm thoroughly excited to work towards contributing innovative, cutting edge HR practices to enable organisations to enhance their success . Lots of learning opportunties on the way. Thanks to BCCI

Monday, 19 August 2024

Are we taking Employee Wellbeing too far?

Photo Credit Ryan Barretto Mar 2024

Few people would deny the impact of well-being on the benefit of the organization. This approach tends to get pushed to the back burner for short-term gains (shareholder value?) over the long term growth and survival of the organization, especially when there are leaders or managers with a high need for controlling people and aggressive competitiveness. Hybrid or remote workplaces have only accelerated  these tensions, which then negatively impacts well-being, and the progress of the organization.  

With the above in mind, this article asks an extremely pertinent question, which is it's title.

From the article - "We need to reset the employer/employee relationship. We need to establish clear and fair principles for working in a remote or hybrid world. In a way which sets reasonable expectations for all parties and holds employers and employees to account."

I think the ability to leverage the employees's #strengths in their work will provide huge dividends to the organization and employees.

Your thoughts?

Read the rest of the article here.
