Thursday, 28 September 2023

Action from The Selection Discussion - Finding the Right Fit

Just completed a customized two-day workshop on designing behavioural and competency behavioural questions for a logistics organization to sharpen and focus their hiring practice.  This is part of an overall change management initiative. The participants included the management team and a few direct reports in addition to HR.

They all participated fully by asking questions, sharing their viewpoints and taking part in the discussions that were designed.  Some topics covered were:

  • Making the interview a positive experience
  • Articulating the behaviours that indicate the culture
  • Designing Competency based and Behavioural Event Interview Questions
  • Improving the quality of hiring decisions

Here are some images from the action.

Plenary discussion of non negotiable behaviours that contravene organization culture norms.

Learnings from 2 days

I'm extremely grateful to the organization for the opportunity.  The workshop went well because of the active participation of the audience.

Please do contact me on +919820155778 or if you want to have a conversation about such workshops for your organization.

