Friday, 28 July 2023

Succession Planning for CEOs - how to make it work

From this excellent article: "The best CEOs are less worried about how their own reputation might fare in the #transition, and more focused on how the change will impact the institution moving forward."

There are some great #reflective #questions which would help anyone introspect on #careertransition choices, irrespective of the level one is at.

Read the article here.

#ceo #ceosuccession #successionplanning #handover #strengthsdecoder #performancecoach #leadershipstrategy #leadershipexcellence #leadershipjourney

Thursday, 27 July 2023

It's not OK to feel desperate at work

Workdays that are constantly stressful can  be overwhelming.

If your week (or past few weeks) have been more #stressful than usual with a recurring sense of #dejavu, then take a pause and have a look at this article.

In case you want to have a chat, don't hesitate to message me.

#strengthsdecoder #performancecoach #performancecoaching #careercoach #careertransition
