Saturday, 2 November 2024

A Performer's Reflections on the TED Talk - "The Tipping Point I got wrong"

I just saw this video today, and was struck by the candidness of the speaker Malcolm Gladwell.  He talks about what he got wrong in his book, The Tipping Point. 

Here are some of my reflections (in no order of importance) on this video:

  • "This is what happened" - The way the world works is not as certain as it is in one's mind.
  • An outstanding and thought-provoking line - "This is what I believe happened now".
  • The ability to admit to yourself that you are or were wrong is critical for your growth.
  • The ability to admit that you are are or were wrong to a public audience where you are being recorded for the world to see, is priceless.
  • The willingness to be held accountable for errors in your work, make you an outstanding colleague or leader.
  • While it's easier to say than do completely, we should do our best 
  • What would the world be like if all influencers, particularly those in positions of power, would willingly admit their errors and work towards rectifying them? Wishful thinking, I know.
  • Journalists and writers need to be more accountable for the content they put out.
  • What would make a person (at any level) more accountable?
  • As a coach, how can we encourage such authenticity in our clients?
What thoughts come up for you as you watched the video? What would you like to add to this list.

I'd love to have your points of view.

If you as a leader or influencer, have been sparring with some of these thoughts and questions for a while, and want to have a Strengths-coach as your sounding board, click this link to set up a pro-bono 30 minute Zoom call at a convenient time.  

If the time slots don't work for you, please write to me personally on and we will decide on a mutually convenient time slot.

