Wednesday, 28 February 2024

The Great Attrition is making hiring harder. Are you searching the right talent pools?

Recruitment has taken on a slightly different dimension over the past year or so. While it was never easy, it seemed as if we knew who to focus our hiring efforts on.

Here's a detailed article on the changing characteristics of the #talentpool of #candidates given the post pandemic environment, and what organizations could possibly do to hire people.

From the article: " if the economic picture worsens, many companies are likely to find that job openings will persist in crucial positions, a problem they can’t fix by simply reshuffling their current workforces."

Read the rest of the article here.

#hiringstrategy #employeevalueproposition #selectiondiscussion #culturematters #organizationculture #strengthsdecoder #strengthscoaching #performancecoach #performancecoaching #talentacquisition #talentattraction #employeeengagement

Thursday, 15 February 2024

Action from IAF Mumbai Hub Session - The Art of Focused Development Discussion

Feedback as an activity, is not looked at with pleasure.  Try telling someone that you have "feedback" for them, and watch their expression and body language.  If you happen to be their manager, then you may get grudging acceptance.  

Few team managers and leaders are comfortable giving feedback.  This is mainly because they haven't been trained on how to do it.  I recall in my career, during the months of February or March, we in HR were running training sessions on the appraisal process. These appraisal sessions were for both managers and employees.  They consisted of a slide deck, and comments by the HR presenter - that was all. 

Employees were told how to accept feedback from their bosses. Bosses were given information on the Appraisal process, and feedback was considered a side effect. Appraisal Feedback anyway tends to focus on past performance, and little is discussed about future.  The employee is focused on getting the best possible rating for themselves and so any form of Development Feedback takes last place.  Bottom line - the development discussion is not given much importance for the future.

With this knowledge, Varsha Chitnis and myself decided to put together a session to enable a Focused Development Discussion.  Our experiences told us that individual biases and trust have a huge impact on how a development discussion can be conducted. So we incorporated these aspects into our session design and called it The Art of Focused Development Discussion.

Here are some images of the action on that day.

Desired Outcome for the session

Our Session Flow

Harvest from our First Activity

Clustering of behaviours

Clustering of biases and behaviours

Connections made between biases and behaviours

The Blueprint for the FDD

Learnings and Feedback that we received.

The enthusiastic learners

We thoroughly enjoyed designing and running the session. Our sincere thanks to the International Association of Facilitators - Mumbai Hub for the opportunity to do this session.  We are grateful to all the participants who took the time to attend and contribute their experiences into the session.

Friday, 2 February 2024

Toxic Positivity

An extremely article on the dangers of being too #positive i.e. #toxicpositivity

From the article: "Even if you don’t agree with someone, validating their feelings simply lets them know it’s okay to feel that way – not that you think they’re right."

Read the rest of the article here.

#strengthsdecoder #postivethinking #positivepsychology #strengthscoaching #emotionalintelligence #performancecoach #performancecoaching
