Thursday, 14 January 2021

Feedback - Goalsetting Webinar for IAF (International Association of Facilitators)

 Here are some of the comments received after my webinar on Goalsetting for 2021

It was a 3 hour session and participants discussed what plans they would like to have for 2021 through a short visioning session, along with a detailed expert interview on aids, hinderances to their vision, keeping current status in mind.  

It was a wonderful experience, and thanks to IAF and the IAF Mumbai Core team for the opportunity to facilitate this interesting topic.

Monday, 11 January 2021

My Reading Start in 2021

I have something more to thank 2020 for. 

Last year, I read 53 books, against 45 books in 2019.  That was a great feeling.  It was a mix of fiction and non-fiction books.

You can read about it on my Goodreads profile.

I have just finished reading my first book of 2021 - and it was about becoming an Agile leader.  Read my review here

Please share your thoughts and questions about the book or if you want to become a more effective leader, do write to

Saturday, 2 January 2021

How to Effectively Refer a Friend for a Job

To ensure your friend has a decent chance to get a call for an interview, do the things I have suggested in this video.

How to Effectively refer a friend
