Friday, 14 August 2020

Effectively Interviewing technical candidates using a Sherlock Holmes technique

Here's a super article on how to interview technical candidates effectively.

I have used a variation of this technique, but this article has helped me add to my knowledge and skills in this area.

Read more here

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Sell Yourself Into your Next Job - Aug 2020

The next webinar of "Sell yourself Into your Next Job - A Strengths Based Resume writing and Interview Prep Webinar" is on 15 August 2020.

Details are in the link below. There is a special Independence Day Offer of Rs. 500/- this time only. Please take advantage and register soon.

Here's a few testimonials from previous participants.

Call +919820155778 or write to me in case of questions.

If your career path might need you to create a new one

This article provides useful insight about how your career path may require you to create a new one.


Contact me if you want to design your career based on your strengths. 

This would be about 8-10 coaching sessions of 60-90 minutes duration where you would start by 

  • taking the CliftonStrengths assessment
  • a debrief of your Cliftonstrengths report
  • Coaching to help you understand how your strengths manifest as behaviours
  • A values inventory for you to understand which are the values  that drive your behaviour
  • Coaching to help you identify a career that is based on and aligned with your strengths
  • Any other behaviour issue that you wish to resolve

Happy to get on a call to discuss and answer any questions you may have.  I can be reached at +919820155778 or leave a comment here.
