Thursday, 15 April 2021

Why Organizations should Invest in Focusing on their Employees' Strengths

This is a fascinating read on Gallup's findings from 25 million people who have taken the #cliftonstrengths assessment. The impact of a team of people who are aware of their and each other's #strengths is stark; some are 14% higher productivity, 18% higher sales and 23% more profitability.

Read the details here

Glad to be a strengths strategy coach :-)

Want to know more about building a Strengths based Team? Write to me here or at +919820155778.

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Tips to Manage Imposter Syndrome in your Self-development Journey

 Interesting read for one's #personaldevelopment to particularly manage #impostersyndrome.

While the points have merit, practically, they are all tough to put into practice in a sustained manner to get effective results.

After all, it's actually about two key things -

  • #EmotionalIntelligence i.e. managing our emotions, and
  • Managing our #habits.

A strengths coach would particularly be of great support on this journey. Happy to help!

Read the article here

Friday, 2 April 2021

In today's times and going forward, your career can go nearly everywhere.

 Interesting read on what to do about your #career since the old ways of working and progressing are pretty much obsolete.

Like this article mentions (I follow this too in my #careercoaching), it is absolutely critical to identifying one's #purpose. It's most effective when this purpose is grounded in one's #strengths. So yes - Up isn't the only way, and hasn't been for a while actually.

Click here to read the article.
